Fuel Lube Tucks - Save Time and Earn More

The recent trucks for fuel and lube are totally different from the models that date five years back. Standards of emissions, consumption of fuel, tracking the fluids, telemetric and what more can now be used by the present day contractors to make up a truck. The capabilities of the trucks along with the specifications are constantly changing and have made the lube trucks more dependable than ever before. This is a mobile service that can always be at service.

Main Highlights
We will now take a look at the main highlights of the fuel lube trucks.

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)
DEF arrangements have now been made by most of the contractors by now. It is irrespective of being for the purpose of filling up work trucks or making availability to provide bulk diesel exhaust fluid to the site of the job. The new lube trucks have been constantly adapting to the DEF. The usage of high density plastics and stainless materials is mainly with the aim of being able to provide tanks for DEF bulk transfer. Aluminum can contaminate the DEF and make it ineffective.

Power Options
The idle time of the engine is totally hated by the DPF filters as well as the budget of the contractor. Generally incorporated with the PTO driven hydraulics with the aim of running pumps and compressor for the delivery, the fuel lube trucks reach a higher RPM alongside providing service continuously at the workplace. The unique air compressor used in some of the fuel and lube trucks often comprise 3 cylinder engine, using only a fraction of the fuel in the trucks.

Sparing fuel while working your fuel and lube truck is a reward for the contractual worker and can mean huge reserve funds. It is considerably more profitable to the temporary worker to know precisely how much fluid is being consumed by each asset. Fusing telematics and controls of electronic fuel into the body of the trucks for fuel and lube, manufactures is going on now and will keep on picking up ubiquity. Data delivery control system has come up with innovations on present day. It is now possible to keep trace of the usage of the machine, consumption of fuels, oils and other fluids, and various other data from the job site. This data can be received on any present day device like and android, iOS or windows device and thereby analyzed for the best results.

Advantages of Lube Trucks

Fuel lube trucks can be a beneficial investment. This is because it offers a great deal of benefits. When you get your hands on the lube trucks, you will forget your days of oil tipping buckets around the work space. Some of the most prominent ones include:

  •          Reduced Maintenance
When you get a lube truck, you can stay assured of the best commitment of the members in order to follow the protocol for the engine maintenance. Being that said, one can now have all the necessary vehicle fluids at one place. That will not only reduce the time in maintenance of the engines but also elevates the interest in your crew members to maintain the engine of the vehicle.

  •          Taking care of the spills forever
The exposure of the various engine fluids like grease and oil makes it quite hazardous at the work place. Accidents continue to happen and the environment continues to get contaminated. It makes the surfaces slippery left alone the point of the product being wasted. More time is spent in the cleanup process – making it an already tedious process for the crew on field. The lube trucks that are available for sell are completely airtight. The systems of fluid dispensing used in these small fuel trucks are great. This is because they have been specially designed with the main focus on preventing spills. The systems of emergency spill prevention installed in the trucks are known to save a lot of clients from an unwanted situation, saving time, work force and money in the process.

  •          Battling the contamination of the fluids
The path of the engine fluid from the storage container to the engines of the vehicles is a crucial one. Any unwanted interference with the fluids – be it by external air, dust particles, debris pieces, flying insects or chemicals from the environment can hinder its job. These particles are something that you want to stay clear off for sure, especially in cases of DEF. It can be rendered ineffective even by the smallest bit of contamination. It is thus necessary to maintain the purity of the fluids. This is done by taking proper measures of storing the fluids in properly sealed airtight containers. Dispensing them is also a headache long gone. The trucks that are available for sale can take care of all these things. You can even get a specialized new fuel and lube truck incorporated with heavy duty air filters on request. These trucks can be used for applications in mining industry where minerals, dirt and coal dust constantly fill up the air around.

  •          Acquiring additional work
By now you must have already realized how you can save time with the fuel lube trucks. Reduced maintenance call in for saving cash that would have been spent for the truck engine trouble repairs. This means there will be a surge of the available time and money that can be utilized in pursuing the opportunities of the organization. A business can be most successful only when the efficiency of the entire team is at peak. Your entire workforce can solely concentrate on the aims of the organization with no wastage of time for cleaning up or maintaining. The interests of the company can be filled up in no time.

Once you get a new fuel lube truck at your end, you can stay assured that all your care ware taken care of forever. Though practically you cannot account for the funds that you have saved up in the process, you can obviously feel the rise in the profit margins for your organization. In the due course of time, it will be as obvious as it can be.


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